Debut Book Out Now!


is not enough

When I finished my doctoral program in organizational leadership after years in the trenches, I confess that I didn’t expect to unearth anything earth-shattering. There are certain elements of leadership that haven’t changed in millennia. I anticipated discovering more numbers to support the idea that leadership is critical to…well…everything about leading an organization.

I was wrong…

“In today’s fast paced world of business, executives are asked to focus on many things at once.  Go to market, product, innovation, operations, debt management, etc.  In his first book, Leadership Is Not Enough, Dr Chitwood reminds us that nothing can be accomplished without the willing and active participation of an organization’s greatest asset….people.  How we lead our employees will be the biggest predictor of our short- and long-term success.  His model for accomplishing this (TRAC) is approachable and transformational.  This book is a must read for all who lead within an organization looking to thrive into the future.”

— John Heywood, Vice President Sales, Mayo Clinic Laboratories

“It does not matter what industry you are in, what dept you work, what job you do, or what management or staff level you are, use the TRAC model of training, recognition, accountability, and communication. You will improve your company’s, team’s, and individual performance. Best yet – you will build the culture that everyone wants to join.”

—  Tricia Holliday, CRO, People Leader and Strategy Executive 


Dr. James

Dr. James’ dissertation was the first moment he questioned the “Hero Leader” concept. The Army Infantry taught him the value of discipline, hard work, owning the outcome, and a team-first mentality. These lessons have served him well in organizational life.

The doctorate in organizational leadership built upon many of the principles learned in the Army, solidifying Dr. J’s belief that it is the power of the team which dictates the outcome. Using these principles in over two decades of professional life showed the performance team, the team that strives for perfection and a positive outcome will always outperform a department of individuals striving to out-compete one another. Dr. James’s own research as well as multiple empirical studies indicate the power of the team to drive performance. This truth of performance was first identified in the early studies of scientific management on the production floor or a factory and again on the sales floor during Dr. James” research. He loves the saying, cliche as it may be, “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

Dr. James has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral courses in:

  • Strategic Change Management

  • Coaching & Supervising Employees

  • Organizational Leadership

  • Organizational Communication

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Change Management

He has over 20 years of extensive experience starting organizations and departments as well as turnaround operations. Dr. James likes to say he has the DNA of a salesperson and the mind of an operations expert. With decades of executive leadership experience, he is able to see the linkage between technological system efficiency and human behavioral efficacy. He believes at his core that systems and processes can be put in place that will create a performance culture. He is now ready to share this expertise and help your company to thrive.